The Super Update
It has been quite some time since I last had the change to update my ministry blog but this is just a testament to how busy my life and God’s ministry has been for me as of late. After laboring for a full year of intense studying while trying to strike a balance between my IT career, the youth ministry, my family, and seminary, I have determined that something had to give. That being the case, I have decided to take an undetermined amount of time off from seminary effective yesterday (the day I completed my last assignment for my Spring classes).
At this time, I feel that I have learned a considerable amount of information that will benefit me greatly in the future as I serve God and the ministry He has blessed me with. However, the cost of this has been quite steep, I have missed out on numerous events with my daughter as she grows, I have had to all but ignore many of my dear friends who want to spend time with me, and I have given less than stellar messages to the students on some days because I was in such a rush to get things done so I could finish my homework. Furthermore, we have a wonderful new home that God has blessed us with but it simply cannot be unpacked fully or even kept as clean as it should be without my wife and I actively working on it. I have placed a lot of this burden on my wife since my classes were taking up so much time and then found myself being frustrated when our house wasn’t clean even though my wife simply couldn’t manage the house and our daughter at the same time. As such, a much needed break to focus on things such as this is in order.
I am adding a brand new section of this site to host all of my sermons. With the 3 sermons I did as my duties required at the church, I have 2 more sermons that I created as part of the due course of my homework in this recent class. This brings the grand total to 5 sermons and there are still more in the works. You should find these items neatly located under their own sub-page under ministry.
I pray God will bless you through the words that he has allowed this unworthy servant to share with you and, as always, I look forward to any feedback over the sermons themselves.