Written on May 18, 2010 – 11:46 am | by dave |Here are video links to the collected sermons I have performed in my ministry career. The sermons are organized with the most recent on top and the older sermons below. I encourage feedback on any sermon you found that spoke to you.
- How Did I Miss That? – Taking a fresh look at the unprecedented importance of Jesus Christ’s resurrection to the Christian Faith. Focusing on 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.
- It’s Not as Hard as It Looks – Christians often do not realize how simple the instructions are to being a servant of Christ. This sermon focuses on the simplicity of this task using Micah 6:8 as the focus (Opens a new page as the files are saved on YouTube.
- Follower or Disciple? – When Jesus first began his ministry, he collected several disciples to help him spread the word. Even so, Jesus was followed by many people who wanted to see what he would teach. But Christ made a stark contrast between the two and this sermon invites us to question… are we followers or disciples? Focus text: Luke 14:25-30
- Love ‘Til It Hurts – The single greatest commandment that Jesus made to us who serve him was to show love at all times. Despite this, many Christians can be some of the most impolite, unloving people in the world. In this sermon, we will review Jesus’ instructions on love focusing on John 13:34-35.
- Joy to Your World – This is the first sermon I ever created and was delivered to Agape Baptist Church as part of my application process to be the Student Pastor. It was given during the Christmas season and focuses on how to be content in our lives despite the circumstances we are given. Focus text: 1 Timothy 6:3-8