My First Sermon is Online!

Date: 10 Dec 2009 Comments: 1

After many hours of laboring over media tools and converters and finally Windows Movie Maker, I have managed to pull the video of my sermon from the camcorder to a file and make it available online. The quality is not that high as I had to put some major work into reducing the size of the file but here it is: Please look it over and feel free to comment back on your thoughts!

  1. One Comments to “My First Sermon is Online!”

    1. Starnum says:

      Very Nice! I got to go to church today, by listening to your sermon. Even though Christmas has already passed, I felt like it was useful to my current situation. I’m going to try to be more joyful despite the difficulties we’ve been having lately, and if it’s his will, then maybe he will add to us when the time is right. I hope to see more of your sermons, so if the congregation doesn’t find it odd, I hope you record more of them when you get the chance, so that I can watch them from home. I wish you all the best of luck with your progress in the ministry, bro. God bless. 🙂

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