In Process…
Went to the interview on Thursday and found a very welcoming church on the very edge of the OKC metro. I have to admit that Tiff got a very different impression of the place than I did. I really see a church that is starting to get focused on growth and they are making a good choice by choosing to hire a youth minister instead of depending on various volunteers to rotate it around. I was very excited to see that they actually invited youth themselves to be part of the committee, that is cool!
I have no idea how to explain this, but I really do feel like God is going to give me this ministry. I have felt it ever since I got the call from the committee leader inviting me to come in for the interview that this was finally the ministry that He had planned for me. I have absolutely nothing else to support this claim other than my own personal feelings, and the feelings God has placed on my heart. But His will is perfect so I am simply praying for it to be completed.
I do know that after interviewing I was provided a copy of the youth budget (don’t think I would get this if I wasn’t being put into some serious consideration). I also know that they wanted me to provide them three references which I failed to include with my resume (the posing did not mention it). The fact that they asked about them means they likely want to call them. I am hoping that this means they just want to be reassured that I am who I say I am. I am sure they will find that I am who I said I am, in fact, if they call Dad Perona, they will likely hear a lot more of who I don’t even know I am.
Anyhow, more on this as the news arises.