Daily in The Word Feedback
Hello Friends! It’s been a bit since I have added anything to this blog and I decided that I have a great thing to do with this old site! As one of the spiritual growth principles for Liberty University, our leadership has encouraged all faculty to participate in the “Daily in the Word” bible study from Lancaster Baptist Church in Lancaster, CA. I have been actively participating in this for about two weeks now and have really enjoyed the growth it offers.
As part of my own desire to return to handling God’s word properly, I have been posting daily reading “thoughts” to my Facebook feed. Many of my friends have told me that they really enjoyed reading what I have been going over. So, I am going to start posting them here as well. You will see a flurry of posts today as I bring over the posts that I have made in the past two weeks. Then, it will slow down and you will likely see one post every day or two.
I hope you find this path as joyful as I hope to. I want to have an easy way to look back over this spiritual journey and the longer Facebook goes on, the harder it will be to recall the posts. But if they live here, I can find them any time.
God Bless!