Chapel Day
I had a whole lot of fun today again at Southwest Christian Academy for chapel. I was very concerned that the message would be awkward because I didn’t finish my material until about 11:30 last night, being a daddy took precedence since my daughter is struggling with grief at the moment.
Amazingly, I was able to pull it off and still present a good message. I prayed that God would make my message clear today when I talked about a cross-centered life and as always, He delievered! I was even blessed with hearing how a young student was able to see God’s hand on the situation when there was a chance that her parents would separate. She said that she just prayed all the time that God would handle it and her parents got back together and she saw how God used it for glory. Our God is an amazing God! He helped use a challenging time to show His love and gave this girl the courage to talk about it. Can’t beat that! I do pray for her that she will never be afraid to tell this story as part of her testimony.
I am considering putting the curriculum I have written for these things on the site… perhaps I should do so. We shall see.
Now I just pray that God will make it clear to the church I am interviewing with tomorrow who the person is that He wants them to call as their BV YOuth Pastor and if it is me, I will be grateful but if it is not me, I know it will be God’s choice not mine. My life is no longer my own and I don’t mind it one bit. I would ask you to pray for me to get this job but that is not the way God works. Instead, I would ask you to pray that those in the church will have the clarity to make the right choice when they select their call. If I am the one, that just makes it all the more perfect in God’s plan.